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Auto Repair and Tire Service in Vero Beach, FL
We are a customer-focused service organization caring for both our customers and their automobiles. Our care begins with our outstanding service advisers and a competent office and support staff. Completing the process is our team of highly qualified technicians. In order to maintain the highest level of competency, we employ ASE Certified and Master Technicians and manufacturer trained technicians. They continually receive training to keep current on today’s highly complex automobiles.
Keeping Up With Technology
This requires not only training, but also the proper tools, both electronic and mechanical. When we began, repair needs were more about general knowledge and basic hand tools. Although that is still needed, it has gone far beyond that to internet access, computer based software for information and repair, and multiple laptops and scanners to gain access to factory information and provide the ability to recode and repair the internal software on your personal rolling computer that is a major part of all of today’s automobiles.

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